High voltages involve large accumulations of like electric charges. These charges repel one another ferociously and can leap off into the air near sharp points and edges. They produce sparks and corona discharges. While these discharges are useful in some devices (e.g. copiers and air cleaners), they tend to transfer energy to air molecules and can break up those air molecules. When normal oxygen molecules (which each contain 2 oxygen atoms) break up, the resulting oxygen atoms can stick to other oxygen molecules to form ozone molecules (which each contain 3 oxygen atoms). That is why you can often smell ozone near electrical discharges, high voltage power lines, and after thunderstorms.
Why does a high voltage transformer make ozone
The most common time people may come into contact with a whiff of ozone is when a storm is approaching. Lighting is essentially a massive plasma that creates ozone as it conducts through the air, with the smell often arriving before the storm hits. It highlights quite how pungent ozone is considering humans can smell it in concentrations as low as 10 parts per billion in ordinary air.
***** Your own test - find the neon sign and touch the high voltage (PROPERLY INSTALLED, ENCAPSULED - in other words SAFE) transformer to check if it is warmer then the temperature of the environment they are operated in. There will be significant difference.
What is Ozone?Ozone is the second most powerful oxidant in the world, saturateshard-to-reach spaces and leaves no chemical residue, which is why it is useful for cleaning applications such asmold eradication and odor removal. It also destroys pathogens such as bacteria and viruses on surfaces making itan excellent disinfectant. Ozone contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two in normal air. This extra oxygenatom will quickly combine with or "oxidize" harmful compounds, causing them to break down. Ozone usedin high enough concentrations to kill odors can also damage the respiratory tissues in humans and animals, andalso tissues in plants, requiring it to be used in unoccupied areas only where pets and plants are removed. Ozonenaturally decays back into normal oxygen within a few hours depending on the temperature.Ultraviolet Light Ozone GeneratorsThere are two ways to make ozone:Ultraviolet Light and Corona Discharge. Both methods occur in nature. Most of the planet's ozone is generated inthe upper stratosphere from high-energy solar radiation (Ultraviolet Light) breaking apart oxygen molecules whichtemporarily re-form into groups of 3 (trioxide, a.k.a ozone). Also called the ozone layer, this gas shields theearth's surface from the sun's most dangerous ultraviolet light and makes the sky appear blue.Ultraviolet (UV) Light Ozone Generators use low pressure UV lamps that generate multiwavelength UV light with twopeaks, one at the 254-nm light band and another at 185-nm. The 185-nm light produces ozone through photolysis ofoxygen molecules, while the 254-nm light photolyzes ozone back into oxygen, which works against the ozone productionprocess. This second peak is why low pressure UV lamps produce less net ozone (for the energy expended) than coronadischarge ozone generators when operating in cool, dry environments. However, UV light ozone generators produceozone at a near constant rate, even when the environment is warm and wet, making them much better in hot, humidconditions.Ultraviolet Light Ozone Generators can remove strong odors and sterilize viruses and microorganisms under harshenvironmental conditions such as high heat and humidity. The premium ultraviolet light ozone generators that wemanufacture are innovative, versatile and can generate high shock levels of ozone. Our price point averages 50to 75 percent lower than similar output ultraviolet ozone generators sold by competitors. Simply put, we sell seriousultraviolet ozone generators to customers who want high-performing products at the lowest prices. Plus, we standbehind every product we sell with a money-back guarantee.Corona Discharge Ozone GeneratorsIn the loweratmosphere, ozone is generated by static electricity during lightening strikes which also break apart oxygen moleculesthat temporarily reform as ozone. Corona discharge is a similar static shock process that can be generated usinghousehold electricity. The first man-made ozone machine used two glass tubes wrapped in tin, one inside of theother so that air could circulate in the space between them. When the surrounding conductor was energized withhigh voltage it ionized the air near the conductor surface resulting in an electrical discharge that produced ozone.Corona discharge is the most efficient way to produce a large volume of ozone from cool, dry ambient air.Corona discharge ozone generators use metal electrodes attached to an insulating, dielectric plate that supportsan electrostatic field without heating up excessively. An electronic transformer is used to convert standard lowfrequency household power into high frequency, high voltage that can produce large quantities of ozone from theambient air that passes over the metal electrodes. Ozone production technology has improved significantly overthe years. Compact ozone modules can produce enough ozone to allow a small machine to quickly saturate an areawith ozone. However, cool dry air is required for maximum output, and high humidity reduces efficacy. When thetemperature and humidity can be controlled, corona discharge ozone generators are the most efficient choice forthe cost.High-output corona discharge ozone generators remove strong odors and sterilize bacteria, viruses and mold sporesin minutes. The portable corona discharge models we manufacture are the industry's most powerful units for theirsize. The key to high ozone output is having a perfect balance between transformer size and frequency that matchesthe conducting plates. The powerful, high-frequency transformers we use generate 18,000 corona discharges per secondacross the plate surface area, producing much more ozone than was possible within a small footprint in the past.Whether it's for a home, office or vehicle, you'll want a BoiE to do the job quickly and completely.See our full line of Ozone Generator MachinesWhat is a Hydroxyl Generator?Hydroxyls are formed in natureby the reaction of UV light from the sun disassembling water vapor (H20) into hydroxyl radicals (*OH) which haveunpaired electrons. Atmospheric hydroxyl radicals react with and neutralize concentrated pollutants in outdoorair. However, with an average life of less than a second, natural hydroxyls have little affect on indoor air. Commercialhydroxyl generators duplicate the effects of outdoor hydroxyl production by circulating indoor air through a chamberwhere hydroxyl reactions occur. Hydroxyls start chain reactions with contaminants that partially break down pollutantswith each pass through the machine until all that remains is carbon dioxide and water.Hydroxyl generators are widely used by water and fire damage restoration companies along with mold remediationprofessionals because the hydroxyl radicals generated are non-toxic to humans and work exceptionally well in hot,humid environments to remove the same contaminants as ozone along with many more, although over a longer periodof time. Where a two-hour ozone treatment would be sufficient, a hydroxyl generator might take three times as longto achieve similar results, but the treatment area can generally remain occupied and the hydroxyls do not causedamage to sensitive materials such as natural rubber and certain adhesives that concentrated ozone could affect.Types of Hydroxyl MachinesThere aretwo methods to generate hydroxyls for indoor air purification: Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) or an Advanced OxidationProcess (AOP). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. PCO is the only method that can be left running unmonitoredin occupied spaces without requiring fresh air ventilation. Contaminants are oxidized by hydroxyls that form alongthe surface of a UV light-activated catalyst that abstracts hydrogen atoms from water molecules in the air.AOP methods produce hydroxyls from chemical reactions that occur in the air, usually in the presence of UV lightwithout requiring contact with a catalyst. Also called direct hydroxyl production (DHP), the advantage of AOP isthat more hydroxyls can potentially form because production is not limited to a catalyst surface. The disadvantageis that byproducts including ozone and hydrogen peroxide may reach harmful levels to humans in some environments,requiring an area to be unoccupied or closely monitored for occupant or worker safety while machines are running.PCO was developed with a specific intent not to harm occupants in a closed environment. PCO can use either safe-to-viewUV-A black light or shielded UV-C germicidal light and several types of permanent catalysts. AOP includes low-concentrationozone and/or hydrogen peroxide vapor that breaks down in the presence of UV-C germicidal light. With either method,the hydroxyls produced quickly react with VOCs and inorganic gases in cascading reactions that can follow the airstream outside the generator as partially-oxidized contaminants drive further reactions until they are reducedto carbon dioxide and water.Hydroxyl generators are used in the restoration industry in high-humidity environments where ozone is less effective,especially after floods or fires have been extinguished and materials are very wet. Hydroxyl generators are oftenrun at the site in the days before serious work starts on a restoration project to help purify the air and preventmold from taking hold. Hydroxyl radicals react with over 5,000 compounds and will break apart odors from fire andsmoke, category 2 & 3 water losses, chemical fumes, fuel oil, VOCs, trauma, etc. without damaging sensitivecontents that concentrated ozone might. 2ff7e9595c